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日期:2024年12月06日 17:07    作者:   来源:




邮编:030024    邮箱:fanyaqiong@tyut.edu.cn











[1] 节水灌溉理论与新技术

[2] 农田水土环境

[3] 温室气体排放







[1] 山西省自由探索类青年科学研究项目,中水掺灌条件下污染物迁移转化累积规律研究2022/01-2024/12,主持;

[2] 甘肃武威绿洲农业高效用水国家野外科学观测研究站开放课题,不同施肥种类土壤温室气体排放规律和特征研究2021/08-2023/08,主持;

[3] 太阳娱乐集团app下载青年基金,不同施肥条件下土壤养分转化和蔬菜增产效应的微生物调控机制探究2023/01-2025/12,主持。



在《Agricultural Water Management》、《Soil & Tillage Research》等期刊发表论文10余篇;其中,第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文6篇(中科院12篇、Top期刊3篇)。



[1]Yaqiong Fan, Yamin Jia, Xinyang Zhang, Guoqiang Geng, Ronghao Liu, Lixia Shen, Jingjuan Hu, Xinmei Hao*. Conversion to greenhouse cultivation from continuous corn production decreases soil bacterial diversity and alters community structure. Agronomy-Basel, 2024, 14, 2144.

[2]Yaqiong Fan, Risheng Ding*, Shaozhong, Xinmei Hao, Taisheng Du, Ling Tong, Sien Li. Plastic mulch decreases available energy and evapotranspiration and improves yield and water use efficiency in an irrigated maize cropland. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179, 122-131.

[3]Yaqiong Fan, Xinmei Hao*, Alison Carswell, Tom Misselbrook, Risheng Ding, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and high N application rate promote N2O emission and suppress CH4 uptake in a rotational vegetable system. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 206, 104848.

[4]Yaqiong Fan, Zhaofu Luo, Xinmei Hao*, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Potential pathways to reduce environmental impact in a greenhouse tomato production: Life cycle assessment for different irrigation and fertilization treatments. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 305, 111411.

[5]Yaqiong Fan, Xinmei Hao*, Risheng Ding, Shaozhong Kang. Soil water and nitrogen dynamics from interaction of irrigation and fertilization management practices in a greenhouse vegetable rotation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2020, 84, 901-913.

[6]Yaqiong Fan, Xinmei Hao*, Alison Carswell, Tom Misselbrook, Risheng Ding, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Soil temperature and bacterial diversity regulate the impact of irrigation and fertilization practices on ecosystem respiration. Agronomy Journal, 2021, 113, 2361-2373.

[7]耿国强, 樊雅琼*, 申丽霞, 李国元, 胡婧娟, 王丹, 阮文刚. 不同水源灌溉对玉米田PbNiCr迁移积累的影响. 节水灌溉, 2024(10): 68-76.

[8]樊雅琼, 薛冰心, 谭彤, 高言, 王亚敏, 郝新梅*. 不同种植年限蔬菜大棚土壤特性的综合评估. 土壤通报,2024.

[9]Yuan Qiu, Yaqiong Fan, Yang Chen, Xinmei Hao, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Response of dry matter and water use efficiency of alfalfa to water and salinity stress in arid and semiarid regions of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 254, 106934.

[10]Zhuqing Wu, Yaqiong Fan, Yuan Qiu, Xinmei Hao, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Response of yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes to water and salt stresses and biochar addition in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 270, 107736.

[11]Yuan Qiu, Yamin, Wang, Yaiqong Fan, Xinmei Hao, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Root, yield, and quality of alfalfa affected by soil salinity in Northwest China. Agriculture, 2023, 13, 750.

[12] Fuqiang Zhang, Chao He, Yaqiong Fan, Xinmei Hao, Shaozhong Kang. Canel delivery and irrgation scheduling optimization based on crop water demand. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 260, 107245.

[13]Xinmei Hao, Yuan Qiu, Yaqiong Fan, Tao Li, Dong Leng, Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang. Applicability of temporal stability analysis in prediction field mean of soil moisture in multiple soil depths and different seasons in an irrigated vineyard. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 588, 125059.

[14]蒲敬轩,樊雅琼,冯许钰,刘宇航,乔树亭,刘荣豪. 分根区交替灌溉对土壤养分条件及作物生长的影响. 中国土壤与肥料, 2022, 9, 205-219.



[1] 第十五届山西省青年水利学术年会优秀论文二等奖,山西省水利学会,2023年,1/5

[2] 第九届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛国家二等奖,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会,2023年,指导教师;

[3] 第十届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛山西省一等奖,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会,2024年,指导教师。


[1] 太阳娱乐集团app下载优秀团学指导教师,共青团太阳娱乐集团app下载委员会,2023年。

[2] 第九届全国水利类专业青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖,中国水利教育协会,2024年。